NAD+ IV Therapy

Boost your NAD+ levels, a vital molecule for energy, brain and cellular health.

500mg NAD IV Therapy $250
750mg NAD IV Therapy $525
2000mg NAD IV Therapy $825

NAD+ IV Therapy

Boost your NAD+ levels, a vital molecule for energy, brain and cellular health.

500mg NAD IV Therapy $425
750mg NAD IV Therapy $525
2000mg NAD IV Therapy $825

NAD+ IV therapy is a treatment that involves injecting NAD+, a coenzyme that is involved in many cellular processes, into the bloodstream. NAD+ IV therapy may have various benefits, such as improving energy metabolism and DNA repair. Higher NAD+ levels may slow or even reverse aspects of aging and age-related diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative conditions.

It’s key benefits are:

  • Contributes to longer telomeres for anti-aging

  • Promotes DNA repair

  • Modulates immune-cell signaling

  • Improves mental clarity, focus and concentration

  • Boosts mood

  • Mitigates chemical stress inflammation

NAD + IV Therapy includes

  • Nicontinamide Adenine Dinculceotide


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